Thursday, May 27

*Have a seat on my couch*

Yesterday was a crazy day at work! There I was at my weekly meditation session though traditionally, some may call it therapy, and right as we were getting into some good stuff, my phone began vibrating. Now, my people at work know that my Wednesday mornings are reserved for my personal time, and so when my phone rang as I sat on the couch, I assumed that it must be BIG. This is true! It appears that though my staff understands the importance of my Wednesday morning ritual, the state auditor for the bank had not been informed. Needless to say, I stopped mid-sentence, got the call, and bolted out the door for work. I do not believe that this sort of event which only comes by every two years or so is something that I would be able to follow my own timeline. Well, now it is all said and done and a big sign of relief as it appears that we did quite well. Hurray! So what do I recommend to bring yourself down from 60 mph to 0? For me it meant looking at fun websites, playing house in my head, and looking at the Alice Lane Blog. Enjoy the loveliness of my favorite store here in Provo which inspired my home. More photos on that coming up. ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 25

*Walk in my garden*

OK folks, I am back with all of you, and why not? It is spring and flowers are pushing up through despite the temperamental daily environment. Saturday we got my garden finished with planting and then Monday after weather in the 80s, there was what can only be described as a total snow storm which knocked out lilacs, african daisys and some of the weaker budding flowers. Let me take you on a tour of some of the scenes of my yard coming to life. Enjoy!!

My front entry after removing the spiral topairies with wisteria just planted to grow up the posts and across the porch. There are also the rust lanterns to welcome friends.

Window boxes upfront

A window box off of the front railing

Walking into the backyard on my pebble path. The swing is just out of the frame on the left and the shed and cutting garden are just on the right.

My sitting nook under my "popcorn tree" - a perfect place for a cup of tea

When the popcorn trees begin to bloom

My reading nook and corner garden in context next to the cutting garden

At the base of my ladder looking into the orchard behind. There are pumpkins, squash and zucchini below

My old wooden ladder from the orchard looking into the lilacs~

My favorite flower of all, english daisies

Tucked in my little corner of the yard, my favorite place of all... english daisies and soon a big peony bush.

A look through to the lilacs

One of my favorite photos. Anyone who knows me knows that I adore grape hyacinth. I took this before the garden was planted. Beautiful brown earth mixed with the different textures around it.

Somethings to marvel at

These were too beautiful to cut to bring inside and this way I can share it with all of you~